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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fatwas on Vegetarianism

Many Muslim jurists have issued legal rulings that show vegetarianism is certainly permitted in Islam. Please see those below for a small sample of rulings from across the spectrum of Muslim jurists.

Hamza Yusuf

Hamza Yusuf on eating meat (from the audio tape "The Science of Shari'ah" )

"Meat is not a necessity in Shari'ah, and in the old days most Muslims used to eat meat, if they were wealthy, like middle class—once a week on Friday. If they were poor—on the Eids." "So traditionally Muslims were semi-vegetarians. The Prophet was, I mean, technically, the Prophet (SAWS) was in that category. He was not a meat-eater. Most of his meals did not have meat in them. And the proof of that is clearly in the Muwatta—when Sayyidina Umar says, 'Beware of meat, because it has an addiction like the addiction of wine.'….read more :

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

A Muslim may be a vegetarian. However, he should not regard eating meat as prohibited.
And Allah Taãla knows best.

Was salaam.

—Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Fatwa Department

Sayyid Fadhlullah

Vegetarianism is halal.
Meat is not compulsory.
Any food is permissible provided it is not harmful.
Muslims are free to eat whatever they want provided it is halal.

"It is like wanting to eat a certain fruit and not the other." Sayyid Fadlallah

—Summation of answer given by the Honorable Sayyid Fadhlullah during an online Q&A session, December 1, 2001

Wa Alaikum Salaam wa Rahmatullah,

There are more sample of rulings from across the spectrum of Muslim jurists on

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